Mattel is the largest designer, manufacturer and marketer of toys and family products in the world. Our portfolio includes best-selling brands, such as Barbie?, Large Dolls, Hot Wheels?, Matchbox?, Power Wheels?, American Girl?, Polly Pocket?, Radica, Tyco R/C and Thomas & Friend, as well as Fisher-Price and a wide array of entertainment-inspired toy lines. Mattel is a publicly-traded Fortune 500 company and was named as one of “100 Best Companies to Work For” Companies by FORTUNE Magazine in recent 5 years. Headquartered in El Segundo, California, Mattel has operations in 43 countries and territories, employs approximately 29,000 people and sells products in more than 150 nations around the world. In China mainland, we have 6 facilities which are located in Shenzhen, Dongguan and Foshan. At Mattel, we provide competitive salary and benefits.Welcome to joining us!美泰是全球最大的玩具公司,在儿童产品的设计、生产、销售方面处于领导地位。我们的主要品牌包括最流行最畅销的时尚娃娃Barbie和Large Dolls, Hot Wheels, Matchbox, Power Wheels, American Girl, Polly Pocket, Radica, Tyco R/C, Thomas & Friend 以及 Fisher-Price 品牌和一系列的益智类玩具。美泰是公认的美国财富500强公司,自2008年起连续五年被《财富》杂志评为美国“最佳雇主百强”企业。美泰公司总部位于美国加州EI Segundo,在43个国家和地区拥有约29,000名员工,产品销往150多个国家。在中国内地,美泰共有六家分公司分别在深圳、东莞和佛山。美泰公司为每一位员工提供具有竞争力的薪酬和完善的福利。我们诚邀各届精英的加盟!Mattel VisionMattel is a creations company that inspires the wonder of childhood.美泰是一家启发奇妙童年的创意公司Mattel MissionTo be the recongnized leader in play, learning and development worldwide成为全世界玩乐,学习与发展领域的公认领导者Mattel ValuesInnovation, Speed, Accountability, Trust创新,速度,责任,信任公司主要福利: 1.按国家规定购买社会保险和住房公积金; 2.厂内配有较大型的健身房、图书馆、康乐室等; 3.员工可享受多种有薪假期:年休假、婚假、有薪病假、产假、陪产假、丧假等; 4.员工子女读大学有机会取得美泰环球奖学金;由于公司本年度业务扩大需要,计划分季度招收各类人才,敬请各位有意者留意本公司招聘广告!郑重声明:近期,有不法份子以本公司名义联络求职者进行虚假招聘,请各位求职朋友小心谨慎。本公司是绝对不会通过手机或小灵通或非本公司邮箱(美泰公司邮箱统一为name@mattel.com)约求职者到本公司以外的任何场所面试。 请求职者通过智通人才网招聘系统应聘本公司的职位,或者通过本公司在智通人才网上留下的联系方式与本公司联系,本公司不会用手机或者小灵通的方式联系求职者,也不会在本公司所在地以外地点对求职者进行面试,请悉知。